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Conservation Mintues, August 24, 2006

Called to Order at 3:00 PM under M.G.L. Chapter 131, s.40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, s.5. by Philip R. Lindquist, Chairman, in Meeting Room A on the top floor at the Town Hall.

Members Present:           Philip R. Lindquist, Chairman        
                           Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman  
                           Dave Harris, Member
           John Kemmett, Clerk
Absent:                    Ron Grattan, Member
Others Present:            Janine Delaney, Conservation Agent
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant   

Public Hearings

3:00 PM    Continued  Notice of Intent for construction of a single family home, driveway and utilities as well as a proposed wetland crossing at 30 Holmes Street, Map 75, Lot 5-1 for Anthony Kolacz represented by Kenneth Thompson, 134 Spring St., Rockland MA  (DEP #175-0495)  

It had been determined by the Commission that the hearing held on August 8th was not legal.  Because the hearing was continued to an indefinite date at the June 27th  meeting, the August 8th hearing should have been re-advertised as per 310 CMR 10.05(5)3 .  Consequently, the Public Hearing Notice was re-published in the Hanson Express.  The notice was read into the record by David Harris and a new vote was taken.

Motion to approve and issue an Order of Conditions with special conditions for the construction of the road:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Dave Harris

Mr. Lindquist asked for discussion.  Mr. Kemmett, who was not here for the original hearing, said that in his view, Ms. Delaney’s issues regarding the project had not been addressed.  Mr. Lindquist reiterated that the project had been reviewed and a decision had been made.

        Vote:  3-1-0 (John Kemmett against)

Plymouth County Hospital Re-Use
Ms. Delaney asked for comments regarding her memo to the PCH Committee.  The Commission recommended that the third paragraph is revised to read that the undeveloped portions of the site, areas two and three, are placed under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission.  The Commission can then explore grant opportunities and decide how the land can be utilized and managed in the future.   There was much discussion over the different parcels, the fields and the possibility of inclusion of a portion of the site for the Bay Circuit Trail.  

289 West Washington Street
Ms. Delaney had met with Mr. Dumont at the site today with an auger to test the soils.  The wetland filling was more extensive than what she had originally thought.  Mr. Dumont had admitted to filling in wet pockets about 3 years ago.  The woodchips were 2-feet thick in places.  Ms. Delaney informed Mr. Dumont that the Commission will likely require removal of the woodchips utilizing a backhoe. She informed him too that the filling had possibly caused problems for his neighbors and the Commission members will need to visit the site.     

Rod and Gun Club
Ms. Delaney had advised Bernard Munro of Land Planning on a remediation plan for lead removal that he is currently working on for the Rod & Gun Club.  The Commission reviewed a preliminary plan that also included a protective barrier for a trench drain along the range.  The plan showed an isolated wetland and the existing tree line.  The Commission recommended that the barrier be revised so that it avoids encroaching into the 50-foot buffer zone.  As shown, it extends 13 to 15’ into the currently undisturbed buffer zone.   

Business Meeting Topics:

·       Boilerplate Orders of Conditions

 Frank Schellenger and John Kemmett will review.

·       Open Space Plan
·       Conservation Parcel identification, deed research, mapping

Mr. Lindquist suggested that everyone review the existing plan drafted in 1979 and come up with a starting point, such as A Table of Contents, so that effort is not duplicated.  Ms. Delaney suggested making copies of the MACC workbook.  She also suggested funding a consultant as there is a massive amount of work that goes into this.  Mr. Kemmett suggested creating a spreadsheet so that the Commission can be organized as to who’s doing what.

·       Update Town of Hanson Wetlands Protection By-law and Regulations

Ms. Delaney is currently working on changes to the By-law and Regulations.  A lot of the Regulations are already outlined in the Wetlands Protection Act and are redundant.


        Motion to adjourn at 5 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  4-0-0